
I didn’t realize how bad it was

I worked in retail and fast food for years while struggling through college and it always sucked ass for reasons I’m sure everyone here is familiar with. Terrible bosses, terrible coworkers, terrible customers, terrible wages, terrible treatment in general, etc etc. But that’s just how it is, I thought. Everyone dreads coming in to work, right? I landed a white collar job a month ago and the difference is NIGHT AND DAY. Free of charge, my company provides snacks, cold water, hot water, fresh coffee. It’s just there. Every day. Have as much as you want whenever you want. There’s a fridge and a freezer. They’ve got paper towels and real cutlery and mugs. I can go to the bathroom whenever I feel the need without telling anyone. My coworkers all seem (if not happy) then content to come into work each day. And I am too. It’s wonderful being…

I worked in retail and fast food for years while struggling through college and it always sucked ass for reasons I’m sure everyone here is familiar with. Terrible bosses, terrible coworkers, terrible customers, terrible wages, terrible treatment in general, etc etc. But that’s just how it is, I thought. Everyone dreads coming in to work, right?

I landed a white collar job a month ago and the difference is NIGHT AND DAY. Free of charge, my company provides snacks, cold water, hot water, fresh coffee. It’s just there. Every day. Have as much as you want whenever you want. There’s a fridge and a freezer. They’ve got paper towels and real cutlery and mugs. I can go to the bathroom whenever I feel the need without telling anyone. My coworkers all seem (if not happy) then content to come into work each day. And I am too. It’s wonderful being treated like a human being. And it makes sense to keep your employees happy so they want to stay with you. It makes sense to offer food and water so they’re not distracted by hunger or thirst and can focus on the work you’re paying for.

I used to be apathetic to it but now thinking about the conditions of my previous jobs fills me with seething anger. They’ll treat you like dirt because you have no power and expect you to be grateful for it. We deserve better. We all deserve better.

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