
I don’t feel like moving on

So, I am enjoying my pre-uni summer. It is amazing. I wake up whenever I want to, I play video games, hit gym and catch to media. I waited for this pure antiwork experience for 3 years probably, since every year before I had to do extra work since I would either do poorly on my exams or I skipped a year, so now I need to catch up. I don’t want to say I was stressed, I worked my ass off since everyone did; nothing special. However, I do feel bad about going back into that environment from my current situation. I am probably the most passive-happiest right now. I don’t need any special highlights to make me feel good, I am already feeling good in this period of summer vacation; so, I don’t want to stop this flow. (Just bragging ik)

So, I am enjoying my pre-uni summer. It is amazing. I wake up whenever I want to, I play video games, hit gym and catch to media. I waited for this pure antiwork experience for 3 years probably, since every year before I had to do extra work since I would either do poorly on my exams or I skipped a year, so now I need to catch up. I don’t want to say I was stressed, I worked my ass off since everyone did; nothing special. However, I do feel bad about going back into that environment from my current situation. I am probably the most passive-happiest right now. I don’t need any special highlights to make me feel good, I am already feeling good in this period of summer vacation; so, I don’t want to stop this flow.
(Just bragging ik)

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