
I don’t get paid enough to keep my teeth according to the system

21 f. Don't know if this is the right place for this but I think it fits due to the nature of how the system completely screwed me. My tooth broke a month ago and I had to go get it pulled today. I'm on Medicaid because I don't make enough money to pay for my own health insurance. I thought that I would at least be able to get a single crown covered but turns out they don't do that. My only option was getting it pulled. The dental assistant told me that it would be 915 up front for the crown and an additional 600 afterwards. (with no payment plan options.) I broke down while I was waiting on the dentist to come back and pull it. If I'm on Medicaid what makes them think I just have 1500 dollars to spare? I don't understand why I can…

21 f. Don't know if this is the right place for this but I think it fits due to the nature of how the system completely screwed me. My tooth broke a month ago and I had to go get it pulled today. I'm on Medicaid because I don't make enough money to pay for my own health insurance. I thought that I would at least be able to get a single crown covered but turns out they don't do that. My only option was getting it pulled. The dental assistant told me that it would be 915 up front for the crown and an additional 600 afterwards. (with no payment plan options.) I broke down while I was waiting on the dentist to come back and pull it. If I'm on Medicaid what makes them think I just have 1500 dollars to spare? I don't understand why I can get my teeth cleaned, pulled, and filled but not a crown. I never thought I'd be losing teeth at 21. I feel so angry at the system knowing that if I was just PAID MORE then I could get a decent insurance plan and have my crown covered. I can't get that tooth back. If I were in another country I would still have my tooth. I'm so defeated. My pain medications weren't even covered when I went to go pick them up so I'm sitting here in excruciating pain downing a bottle of ibuprofen. Why isn't dental care taken more seriously by Medicaid? Why can't our country just care about us?

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