
I don’t get why people race to work in the mornings…

I work in a East Coast city and this morning a feisty soul decided to hardcore tailgate me on the way to work. I'm used to aggressive drivers. It's normal in the city, but this guy took it to a whole new level. He was driving a red and white mustang. To say they were aggressive is an understatement. He almost rear ended me trying to pass on a one lane road (to be clear – I was already going five over the speed limit). What shook me was that this boomer works in the same building as I do. He was ready to run me over and risk a collision over getting to work. I will NEVER race to work.

I work in a East Coast city and this morning a feisty soul decided to hardcore tailgate me on the way to work. I'm used to aggressive drivers. It's normal in the city, but this guy took it to a whole new level. He was driving a red and white mustang. To say they were aggressive is an understatement. He almost rear ended me trying to pass on a one lane road (to be clear – I was already going five over the speed limit).

What shook me was that this boomer works in the same building as I do. He was ready to run me over and risk a collision over getting to work.

I will NEVER race to work.

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