
I don’t hate working

I live in a small old mining village, and I'm currently unemployed, I've worked since I was 16, I'm now 23. My local job center wants me to travel 90minutes to and from a job. I have told them my current benefits don't even pay rent, electricity, broadband and council tax nevermind any spare money for food. Yet they expect me to have money for busses. I'm willing to cycle to work but still limits my work search radius to just 5 miles. I do drive but don't have a car due to losing job back in January I had to give it up or I would've fell behind on rent. I'm now threatened with sanctions bevause of this. I couldn't care if there are surpluses of meaningless minimum wage jobs. My time is worth more than £9.90 an hour.

I live in a small old mining village, and I'm currently unemployed, I've worked since I was 16, I'm now 23.
My local job center wants me to travel 90minutes to and from a job. I have told them my current benefits don't even pay rent, electricity, broadband and council tax nevermind any spare money for food. Yet they expect me to have money for busses.
I'm willing to cycle to work but still limits my work search radius to just 5 miles. I do drive but don't have a car due to losing job back in January I had to give it up or I would've fell behind on rent. I'm now threatened with sanctions bevause of this.
I couldn't care if there are surpluses of meaningless minimum wage jobs. My time is worth more than £9.90 an hour.

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