
I don’t know what to do about my current situation. . .

I will try to keep this from becoming a long rant, and try to keep it coherent. I work in trades, in an industrial environment, and am non-union. I know, antiwork is all about unions, but I turned down an union position because being an apprentice in an union has its own issues, which I won’t go into because I feel this post will end up long enough.I planned on getting my journeyman license on my own, and only then applying to union positions as a journey person. Well folks, the time has come. I’m taking my journeyman licensing exam on March 15th for the 1st time. I’m nervous about it, but even if fail I’ve already proved my hours and experience, and I can retake the exam as many times as I need, as soon as I want. Years of working my ass off and sucking dick (metaphorically!!) is…

I will try to keep this from becoming a long rant, and try to keep it coherent.

I work in trades, in an industrial environment, and am non-union. I know, antiwork is all about unions, but I turned down an union position because being an apprentice in an union has its own issues, which I won’t go into because I feel this post will end up long enough.I planned on getting my journeyman license on my own, and only then applying to union positions as a journey person.

Well folks, the time has come. I’m taking my journeyman licensing exam on March 15th for the 1st time. I’m nervous about it, but even if fail I’ve already proved my hours and experience, and I can retake the exam as many times as I need, as soon as I want. Years of working my ass off and sucking dick (metaphorically!!) is paying off.

I work at minimum 60 hours at a jobsite over 200 miles from my home every week. This project is ending, and it’s been a shitty project with extremely high turn over. I won’t mention all the shit that’s gone on, because already long post, but in a nutshell; discrimination, wage theft, awful work environment and hours (even compared to tradeswork), very low morale from an unappreciative super who is fond of such sayings as “if you don’t like it leave,” or “I can replace you in less than a day.”

I don’t want to finish the month out here. I’ve had to reschedule my journeyman exam (I was originally supposed to take it last month) because they don’t want me to have the day off. I didn’t tell them I rescheduled for March 15th because I knew they wouldn’t want to give me the day off. I planned on simply texting my foreman (because I want something in written format) the day before that I will not be there, so they don’t have the opportunity to say no.

I’ve had to reschedule and hold off on medical issues because I can’t have a day off. My lease on my apartment ends this month, and I have no where else to go. I have no free time to find out where I’m going, clean out the apartment and storage locker, or do anything I need to do.

If I tell them any of the above, and say I need a few days to get caught up on life, I’ll be fired (“don’t bother coming back if you can’t be here one day”). They want their project finished above all else. We had freezing rain last week. I was signing out at the end of the day and literally couldn’t hold a pen; I have tendon damage they don’t want to give me time off to deal with (“can’t it wait until the project ends?!).”

I plan on texting my direct foreman tonight and saying I’m not coming in Monday (I have to fucking study at some point) and Tuesday for my exam. I really need my benefits, but at this point I’ve waited so long I might as well try to get my shit looked at when I journey out and get a new job (already in the works). I don’t care if I get fired for that right now, but I’d rather go back on Wednesday and hopefully get a lay off; they say first lay off is next week, but only for a handful of people.

I can’t be there anymore. My motivation, which is the main factor in my even getting my apprenticeship in the first place, is dead. I need to address my personal issues, and after giving so much time and effort, I’m not allowed to. I get threatened with losing my job.

This is a rant. I’m sure Reddit will pick it apart and let me know what I did and am doing wrong. I know I’ve made and make mistakes. I started out writing this thinking I wanted your opinion on if I should go back on Wednesday (hence the title I decided not to change because fuck it) or just be done with it. I ended it thinking I probably won’t be able to go back on Wednesday if I wanted to, so it’s a moot point. I have to take care of personal issues and find my next home and gig. Journeying out will be life changing at least.

I will say this, because I see multiple posts (not necessarily on this sub) telling people trades are where it’s at; to quote rocky, it’s not what they’d said is “all sunshine and rainbows.” Union, non-union; both have pros and cons like every other job. I get the feeling (and just a feeling, I’m not a mind reader) that people think of trades as an easy way out; livable wages with no college or experience you say?! I did see someone bitching that they don’t want to ever work anywhere near 40 hours a week, and someone told him he should look into an apprenticeship in the trades, because they have awesome benefits regardless of hours worked, and you don’t need experience or schooling. That gave me a good laugh that I needed, so thank you random Kroger employees.

I’m sorry for the long whining text. I do like what I do, but my current work environment is a shit show. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I apologize it’s just a stupid rant, and I get that I’m part of the problem.

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