
I don’t know what to do for my little sister.

My wifes little sister has multiple health issues (A form of rheumatoid arthritis, And a heart problem) that prevents her from working a completely full time job that requires a lot of movement and walking. I was able to get her in a position underneath me where she just answers a phone and does a little bit of walking for deliveries in our building. Their father just informed them that he has to cancel their health insurance because he “Cannot afford the $162 a month due to Joe Biden's inflation”. This man worked for a construction company for 30 years until he unfortunately suffered a stroke and has been on disability ever since. I think he retired from this place but I'm not quite sure, but I know he draws some type of check whether it's social security or retirement. My wife is able to get health insurance through the…

My wifes little sister has multiple health issues (A form of rheumatoid arthritis, And a heart problem) that prevents her from working a completely full time job that requires a lot of movement and walking. I was able to get her in a position underneath me where she just answers a phone and does a little bit of walking for deliveries in our building. Their father just informed them that he has to cancel their health insurance because he “Cannot afford the $162 a month due to Joe Biden's inflation”. This man worked for a construction company for 30 years until he unfortunately suffered a stroke and has been on disability ever since. I think he retired from this place but I'm not quite sure, but I know he draws some type of check whether it's social security or retirement. My wife is able to get health insurance through the company we work for but she's always been able to be on her parents insurance. She was at work and she started crying and was really upset because she realized she now has no insurance and she can't get insurance because she's part time. She can't do a full time spot because we don't have any spots that are full time that are an office setting, But on top of that she will be going to school as well. I feel terrible because I can't do anything about it, And her parents are really big scumbags as far as their outlook on life and their beliefs. I would have been more than happy to front the money but I don't trust the parents to actually spend it on that, especially the mother who has never had an actual job in her life and just dumpster dives and sells things on eBay. Anyone ever been in this kind of situation?

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