
I don’t think a company saying “we’re like a family here” is a big deal.

Popular wisdom says it's a big red flag when a company says they're like a family, but I disagree. I don't think it's alarming or worth attention, I think it's just background noise. Nobody really means it, and nobody thinks about it, it's just a collection of nice-sounding words that we're all supposed to say. If there's any emotion behind it, it's the same cursory emotion that goes into buying a wedding card that says “heartfelt congratulations” for someone you barely know. Thus ends my shower thought on this subject.

Popular wisdom says it's a big red flag when a company says they're like a family, but I disagree. I don't think it's alarming or worth attention, I think it's just background noise.

Nobody really means it, and nobody thinks about it, it's just a collection of nice-sounding words that we're all supposed to say. If there's any emotion behind it, it's the same cursory emotion that goes into buying a wedding card that says “heartfelt congratulations” for someone you barely know.

Thus ends my shower thought on this subject.

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