
I don’t think I’ll ever top this quitting experience!

So this happened about 15 years ago but thought it would fit on this sub. Back when i was 16 a friend and I worked at the local mall for a company that sold “fancy” bean bags. The job was just over minimum wage and included commission (if you ever sold anything which was rare) but i was happy to have a job. The shifts were generally solo shifts so other than the first hour over overlap i was by myself and could turn on music and have a enjoyable environment minus not being able to sit and said they would enforce the rule with the cameras but never did. We had friends stop by the store a decent amount and hang out since we were at the mall and didn't have much foot traffic. Anyway job was going well, most the employees were chill but my manager was a…

So this happened about 15 years ago but thought it would fit on this sub. Back when i was 16 a friend and I worked at the local mall for a company that sold “fancy” bean bags. The job was just over minimum wage and included commission (if you ever sold anything which was rare) but i was happy to have a job. The shifts were generally solo shifts so other than the first hour over overlap i was by myself and could turn on music and have a enjoyable environment minus not being able to sit and said they would enforce the rule with the cameras but never did. We had friends stop by the store a decent amount and hang out since we were at the mall and didn't have much foot traffic.

Anyway job was going well, most the employees were chill but my manager was a jerk. She just was always angry about something or other and tried to find reasons to criticize our work. I didn't have to interact with her too much since she worked mornings and only saw her during the overlap. My friend and myself only worked week nights and the manager and 1 other person worked mornings.

My friend started doing dumb stuff during his shift like leaving the store unattended to go hang out at the food court and at one point even had one of our friends put on a store shirt and pretend to work at the store for an hour while he did something else. Anyways eventually the manager found out and fired him on the spot leaving just me to work evening shifts. She also banned him from ever coming to the store again.

Now a few days pass and i ended up taking a day shift and the manager was going to swap out with me and work the evening. This same friend was picking me up that day and was sitting outside the store waiting for me to be done, however my manager was late for some reason (she was pregnant and got sick a lot so I figured she was late cause of that) but since my friend is mad about being fired he decided to call my manager and tell her to “hurry the hell up”. I didn't know about the call but about 15 minutes later she shows up pissed and doesn't talk to me and i leave not thinking anything of it.

The next day i came in to work my evening shift and my manager promptly hands me a paper saying i need to sign it. I realize that she is writing me up. I ask her what for and she says cause i allowed my friend back into the store and that he called and harassed her. I tell her i didn't let him in the store and that he called from his cell. She doesn't believe me even though it's obvious he called with his cell. I'm livid and tell her I'm taking my lunch right away, i leave and try to call corporate and they just say that they will handle it. I wasn't having it and was sick of the managers attitude so i walked back into the store tore up the write up in front of her and start to walk out. I then pull out my store key throw it towards her and tell her to go fuck herself for treating everyone like shit. This was one of the greatest feelings of satisfaction i had ever had.

Funnily enough a few months later at my dad's company work party i see my manager GLARING at me from across the room. Apparently her husband worked at the same company as my dad. Luckily we didn't have to talk but it was hilarious to see her so livid!

TL/DR: Jerk manager wrote me up for something that never happened right at the beginning of the shift change and so i quit, threw my key at her, and told her to go fuck herself and made her have to work the entire day by herself. Also ran into her at a different work party a few months later.

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