
I don’t want to be a teacher anymore.

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this (if not, please delete or point me to a better place) but I need help. I am a teacher with 20 years of experience. I have a BA in English and an MA in History. I’ve taught PreK or K for most of my career, I love what I do, but I am just done. I’m burned out, tired of being hit and spit on and called every name in the book with no consequences. The most recent move our Board of Ed has decided to take is to give us a pay cut- no step increase, no COLA, and us paying more into health insurance this year. Oh, and they can question every sick day I take and require me to see a BOE doctor to deem if I’m “sick enough” to have been out or if I…

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this (if not, please delete or point me to a better place) but I need help. I am a teacher with 20 years of experience. I have a BA in English and an MA in History. I’ve taught PreK or K for most of my career, I love what I do, but I am just done. I’m burned out, tired of being hit and spit on and called every name in the book with no consequences. The most recent move our Board of Ed has decided to take is to give us a pay cut- no step increase, no COLA, and us paying more into health insurance this year. Oh, and they can question every sick day I take and require me to see a BOE doctor to deem if I’m “sick enough” to have been out or if I get docked that day’s pay. No matter that I have kids constantly coughing on me or directly sneezing in my mouth while I’m tying their shoes…

I didn’t go into this job expecting to be rich. I just want to be paid enough to pay my bills and not worry if my electric will be turned off or if I have to choose between gas for my car and buying my own kids shoes.

I’m done. I can’t do this any more. What other jobs are out there where my skills will be transferable and VALUED? Does anyone hire teachers to do something outside of education or are we a joke to the working world too?

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