
I dunno if this has been discussed here before but…

Have we discussed Employee Owned Corporations on this sub yet? I was thinking about another thread where highly skilled employees were being replaced by new hires and I thought, “why are we wasting so much energy reforming placing that would rather shoot themselves in the foot by throwing away talent when those same talented people could coordinate amongst themselves and make their ownbusiness! With blackjack! And Hookers!” Futurama references aside, basically an EOC is collectively owned by the people who work within the company, and all the major decisions that would be made from the top down are made by the people who actually do the work and know firsthand how it would effect things like production, scheduling, etc. Every worker owns a piece of the pie, as opposed to a handful of people at the very top owning the pie and paying the workers a pitance for delivering the…

Have we discussed Employee Owned Corporations on this sub yet? I was thinking about another thread where highly skilled employees were being replaced by new hires and I thought, “why are we wasting so much energy reforming placing that would rather shoot themselves in the foot by throwing away talent when those same talented people could coordinate amongst themselves and make their ownbusiness! With blackjack! And Hookers!”

Futurama references aside, basically an EOC is collectively owned by the people who work within the company, and all the major decisions that would be made from the top down are made by the people who actually do the work and know firsthand how it would effect things like production, scheduling, etc. Every worker owns a piece of the pie, as opposed to a handful of people at the very top owning the pie and paying the workers a pitance for delivering the pie to them. This also does a lot for morale, because once you own a piece of the company and it's success directly effects your income because you share in the profits, you are literally invested. In a way no pizza party will ever match.

I would post some sources here ( there was a really good documentary that got me interested in this concept a while ago) but it's past 2am where I am and I'm sure I'm not the only person familiar with this idea. What are everyone's thoughts?

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