
I Eat Protein Bricks

I feel like an idiot. My quality of life has been falling drastically over the past few years. I didn't notice how bad my situation was until this morning. Let me explain. The buses in my city are now barely usable. You have to wait an hour to even get on one at this point. The transport workers in my area are always striking and quitting en masse. So now I Uber to work. It feels like I only go to work and back. I don't go anywhere else during the week. I only walk to fun places during the weekend. My job is on fire. My manager got a heart transplant months ago and she still isn't back. Four of the people in my department have quit and now I have to cover for the new people. The best girl in my department got promoted so she doesn't have…

I feel like an idiot.

My quality of life has been falling drastically over the past few years. I didn't notice how bad my situation was until this morning. Let me explain.

The buses in my city are now barely usable. You have to wait an hour to even get on one at this point. The transport workers in my area are always striking and quitting en masse. So now I Uber to work. It feels like I only go to work and back. I don't go anywhere else during the week. I only walk to fun places during the weekend.

My job is on fire.

My manager got a heart transplant months ago and she still isn't back.

Four of the people in my department have quit and now I have to cover for the new people.

The best girl in my department got promoted so she doesn't have time to help me.

The only other senior person in my department has left on leave for an undisclosed amount of time. Her husband died suddenly after an infection made him brain dead. Now she cannot afford her home and she needs to make arrangements before she returns to work….



I am covering five people now. I almost burst into tears at my desk X3 a week. I can still afford things. I just got a $1000 raise, but that's nothing. I still can't afford to move out and start my life.

I don't even have enough time in the day to cook. My job now takes all of my time and energy. I started buying extra healthy snacks a few months ago. One of those snacks is an all natural protein cheese puff made of real cheese and quinoa. They're shaped like squares and they're full of vitamins. I've been eating them when I just don't have enough strength to get out of bed. Sometimes I don't get up until I call my Uber. Then I put on clothes, brush my teeth, and throw myself into the car. That's my morning most of the time now. I've got pretty awful back pain even though I'm only 25 and that has also severely damaged my quality of life. I should be whining about my health, but the lack of time I have is what broke me.

I eat Protein Bricks because I no longer have enough energy to cook for myself. I love food. I love cooking. I love desserts and cafes. I don't know what I did to deserve this torture, but I want out. I've gone to three interviews so far…and nothing.

I just want a job that will give me enough time to eat breakfast.

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