
I encourage everyone to watch The G Man with Adam Conover on Netflix

Just wanted to post here about how great this show is and that I strongly recommend everyone here watch it. There is incredibly eye opening, widely unknown discussion of how the government affects everyday Americans and how formerly good policies now only serve corporate elites and how the government screws over everyday people and has for a while. It’s produced by Barack Obama, narrated and explained by Adam Conover (which means comedy, yay!), about how fucked we all are right now and how the government got us here.

Just wanted to post here about how great this show is and that I strongly recommend everyone here watch it. There is incredibly eye opening, widely unknown discussion of how the government affects everyday Americans and how formerly good policies now only serve corporate elites and how the government screws over everyday people and has for a while. It’s produced by Barack Obama, narrated and explained by Adam Conover (which means comedy, yay!), about how fucked we all are right now and how the government got us here.

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