
i feel horrible working and feel horrible not working as well. help

idk if this is the correct place for this but i would like advice. also just venting. I've had jobs before when i was young, i didn't very much hate them but they were all part time and very fun, for example i worked at a coffee shop loved the people i worked with and work was actually fun but had to quit because i became allergic to the coffee and would get hives all over my body everytime i worked. I then worked at some restaurants as a host, hated that. Got my esthetician license and tried a waxing salon, hated the people and work structure there so i quit, got another job doing eyebrows, it was alright but not my fav. Ever since I quit that job I have probably started 15 jobs and quit within the first week. macys, ruths chris, event center, 2 office jobs, claim…

idk if this is the correct place for this but i would like advice. also just venting. I've had jobs before when i was young, i didn't very much hate them but they were all part time and very fun, for example i worked at a coffee shop loved the people i worked with and work was actually fun but had to quit because i became allergic to the coffee and would get hives all over my body everytime i worked. I then worked at some restaurants as a host, hated that. Got my esthetician license and tried a waxing salon, hated the people and work structure there so i quit, got another job doing eyebrows, it was alright but not my fav. Ever since I quit that job I have probably started 15 jobs and quit within the first week. macys, ruths chris, event center, 2 office jobs, claim jumper, 2 cocktail waitress jobs, another restaurant. I just felt like complete ass working these jobs, i didn't love the people i didnt feel fulfilled wasnt paying enough. then when i quit and dont have a job i also feel like complete ass. i started dancing(stripping) because my bills are out the ass, and i fucking hate it. i feel like i have no other choice becasue even a full time job paying 18-20 an hour still does not cover all my bills for the month. i can dance 3-4 times a month and pay my bills but its not what i want to do at all, i cry before and after i go there. the only thing im actually interested in is real estate. i just finished schooling and also passed my test, but theres so many fees and you may not get paid for months. i am looking for stable income jobs in real estate like a transaction coordinator or admin assistant but the high paying jobs require experience. Idk what to do. Do I just get a serving job and hate my life until I figure out real estate? I hate working but also hate not working, only cause im stressed about bills. I just want to be a stay at home mom but doubt thatll ever happen at this point lol. any advice or anyhting helps thanks.

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