
I feel I need to change careers

I’m a 33 yr old female I have a bachelors degree in business management and I’m also a registered paralegal with the state bar association, I have an associates degree in liberal arts and an associate in science paralegal studies. I make $20.50 an hour. Somehow nearly ten years ago I got into real estate closings and now I feel pin-hold to this industry. I also have borderline personality disorder and major depressive disorder. I’m a single mom to an 11 yr old and recently became a foster mom to one of her friends who has been in the horrific foster care system for three years now. My sister died last month from cancer, she died a year from her diagnoses so I’m sure you can imagine it was a steep decline. I sort of checked out of work after the last visit I had with her on thanksgiving because…

I’m a 33 yr old female I have a bachelors degree in business management and I’m also a registered paralegal with the state bar association, I have an associates degree in liberal arts and an associate in science paralegal studies. I make $20.50 an hour. Somehow nearly ten years ago I got into real estate closings and now I feel pin-hold to this industry. I also have borderline personality disorder and major depressive disorder. I’m a single mom to an 11 yr old and recently became a foster mom to one of her friends who has been in the horrific foster care system for three years now. My sister died last month from cancer, she died a year from her diagnoses so I’m sure you can imagine it was a steep decline. I sort of checked out of work after the last visit I had with her on thanksgiving because I was constantly trying to be a part of her medical situation and she also left behind my two nephews who are 16 and 17. Their father died in a home invasion robbery in July 2020 and my daughter and I were with my family, across the road when it happened. Last week my boss had a fit because some balls got dropped. I took two days off when my sister died and also my foster daughter showed up at my door 3 days before she died, my foster daughter is considered high risk and needs a lot of attention. Anyways my boss got pissed and basically laid into me saying he trusted me to do my job with minimal “supervision” and somehow I had failed him and he even accused me of making him “on the verge of a malpractice claim”. He also laid into me basically accusing me of intentionally not training my “assistant” who he actually referred to as a “neophyte” when I was given the task to train her seven months ago. She’s only in the office with me 3 days a week and has multiple other tasks assigned to her l by our boss that are not related to real estate. Anyways I’m not sure where I’m going with this but real estate is just too much pressure for me right now. We have a loan closing on Friday for $1.87 million on a $1mill property and my boss has made it clear he expects it to “go off without a hitch”. I feel sick and tired and somewhat afraid. I need a new career path but I don’t know where to go. I’m stuck. SOS

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