
I feel like I have to choose between heat stroke and being fired.

I work for a large company, and often go in and out of the building as part of my job duties. It has been highs of 90 degrees or more lately, hotter in an unshaded concrete lot. I am roasting. Those of you in hot climates, don’t laugh. I’m from the US equivalent of Hoth, and so I only put on a jacket if it’s below 20F, but I’m not so heat adapted. So I have been wearing sleeveless and short sleeved tops, and sometimes shorts, at work. Ordinarily I would never, because I have significant scarring on my shins and forearms. Obviously self-inflicted. I was unhappy. But, they’re old, I’m proud to say I got through these plague times and only harmed myself once! I have gotten some looks. Most people at my level are okay with how I dress. I’m not breaking any dress codes. But someone may…

I work for a large company, and often go in and out of the building as part of my job duties. It has been highs of 90 degrees or more lately, hotter in an unshaded concrete lot.

I am roasting. Those of you in hot climates, don’t laugh. I’m from the US equivalent of Hoth, and so I only put on a jacket if it’s below 20F, but I’m not so heat adapted.

So I have been wearing sleeveless and short sleeved tops, and sometimes shorts, at work. Ordinarily I would never, because I have significant scarring on my shins and forearms. Obviously self-inflicted. I was unhappy. But, they’re old, I’m proud to say I got through these plague times and only harmed myself once!

I have gotten some looks. Most people at my level are okay with how I dress. I’m not breaking any dress codes. But someone may have said something, because I got pulled into a meeting with my boss and grand boss today.

They’re applying the same policy as for “offensive tattoos or piercings” to the scarring. Ergo, I have to cover them up at work, or I’m insubordinate and making people uncomfortable. I have an email to that effect.

Friends, it is so hot. I don’t know what to do, and this edict does not help me avoid the mental health issues that caused the need to cover up in the first place!

I can’t help but wonder if things would be different if it was instead about a burn or birthmark. Why do employers have so much power over even small decisions?

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