
I feel like non English speaking workers aren’t being talked about.

There is loads of workers here in America that doesn't understand or speak English that I feel aren't being accounted for when talking about workers rights. It gonna be hard to organize a workplace when you the only one that can speak coherent English. Like for example, If I was the only English speaker and the rest of my coworkers speak Spanish, Vietnamese, or Chinese. Simply, Im saying that if we want to make a more worker united America we need to look after ALL workers.

There is loads of workers here in America that doesn't understand or speak English that I feel aren't being accounted for when talking about workers rights. It gonna be hard to organize a workplace when you the only one that can speak coherent English. Like for example, If I was the only English speaker and the rest of my coworkers speak Spanish, Vietnamese, or Chinese. Simply, Im saying that if we want to make a more worker united America we need to look after ALL workers.

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