
I feel like this place is stealing my wages. or is just extremely disorganized

So I started this job 2 months ago, I was supposed to be part time but they've called me in on off days so I've actually clocked in over 40 hours the last few weeks because they are so shortstaffed. The thing is, I still don't have a card or number to punch in so I have to do punch edits on a piece of paper after each shift. These are locked away in the supervisors office and sometimes there is no supervisor to fill one out with me. What happened was I got called in to work 10 hours Thursday and 10 Friday then my regular Saturday and Sunday 12s ( which have turned into 13 to 14 hours instead). Thursday and Friday there was no boss there so I filled out the form for Saturday and Sunday when she showed up and I let the boss know I…

So I started this job 2 months ago, I was supposed to be part time but they've called me in on off days so I've actually clocked in over 40 hours the last few weeks because they are so shortstaffed. The thing is, I still don't have a card or number to punch in so I have to do punch edits on a piece of paper after each shift. These are locked away in the supervisors office and sometimes there is no supervisor to fill one out with me. What happened was I got called in to work 10 hours Thursday and 10 Friday then my regular Saturday and Sunday 12s ( which have turned into 13 to 14 hours instead). Thursday and Friday there was no boss there so I filled out the form for Saturday and Sunday when she showed up and I let the boss know I needed to fill out the 20 hours from the days I picked up. She said “it's too late Thursday and Friday are for the last pay period.”

Its not too late just add my 20 hours to the next check. I've been here 2 months and they still don't have me in the system. I can't clock in and I don't get pay stubs so I don't even know for sure what hours I'm actually being paid for. It's ridiculous. I have $5 in my account yet I have put in more hours than usual. I'm livid. I busted my ass and basically worked for free all those days a boss wasn't around to sign my punch edit. It's like I wasn't even there!

I'll talk to HR about it. I do have signed documents and other paperwork that is dated from during those shifts and texts from being called in for those specific dates to prove I was there. I'm getting my money though. You forget to pay me I'll forget to show up.

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