
I finally managed to get a raise after two years. My landlord told me he’s raising my rent again a week later.

I was making $15 an hour as a warehouse “manager”. Meaning I legit run a whole warehouse single-handedly, but don’t actually get paid what a warehouse manager should be paid. After hounding my boss for months he finally manages to get me an additional 90¢ per hour, but could only do it after giving me a “yearly” performance review. The guy didn’t have a single good thing to say about me, yet I’m constantly taking on extra work asked of me, coming in on my days off, and staying long past my shift. Never even came in late, not once. The review was all about “you should work on this, and work on that, and you could really improve in this area.” Here I was thinking this was a chance to actually renegotiate my pay, and maybe get bumped up to something like over $20 an hour. Nope. My boss…

I was making $15 an hour as a warehouse “manager”. Meaning I legit run a whole warehouse single-handedly, but don’t actually get paid what a warehouse manager should be paid. After hounding my boss for months he finally manages to get me an additional 90¢ per hour, but could only do it after giving me a “yearly” performance review. The guy didn’t have a single good thing to say about me, yet I’m constantly taking on extra work asked of me, coming in on my days off, and staying long past my shift. Never even came in late, not once. The review was all about “you should work on this, and work on that, and you could really improve in this area.”

Here I was thinking this was a chance to actually renegotiate my pay, and maybe get bumped up to something like over $20 an hour. Nope. My boss says that company raises are capped at 3%, but since I missed my first yearly review “for some reason” he will get me 6%. I understand that is quite a bit more than most places offer, but it’s still depressing.

I suppose I was happy to at least get something, but then my landlord texts me saying he’s going to raise my rent by another $100, even though I already have to spend a whole paycheck alone on a month’s rent. I’m suffocating financially right now no thanks to the rising costs, and it feels like there is no end to this madness. I’m so tired of seeing greed abound everywhere, and dealing with apathetic assholes who feast off our hard work.

I admit I am grateful for having food on my table, and a roof over my head, but it’s absolutely wrong that we have to destroy our minds, bodies and soles just to barely get by.

Thank you for listening to my rant.

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