
I finally quit, what now?

I recently quit my job because I cannot handle the mental and physical stress along with the new shitty management anymore because I’m literally breaking down in the middle of the floor. I pull my weight and I really enjoy being helpful and working but I’ve been getting paid 13/hr to work full time+overtime to pay for living and then 16.50 as I took a management position. After recently over working myself and being I’ll, going back to work seemed like a real nightmare. I’m tired of being talked down to all day and treated like I don’t know how to do my job even though I’ve gone above and beyond what is expected of me. I’m proud of the work I can do but I can only do so much. It’s to the point that I’m burnt out for a weeks at a time and I just can’t bring…

I recently quit my job because I cannot handle the mental and physical stress along with the new shitty management anymore because I’m literally breaking down in the middle of the floor. I pull my weight and I really enjoy being helpful and working but I’ve been getting paid 13/hr to work full time+overtime to pay for living and then 16.50 as I took a management position. After recently over working myself and being I’ll, going back to work seemed like a real nightmare. I’m tired of being talked down to all day and treated like I don’t know how to do my job even though I’ve gone above and beyond what is expected of me. I’m proud of the work I can do but I can only do so much. It’s to the point that I’m burnt out for a weeks at a time and I just can’t bring myself to go in anymore. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression along with asd and I struggle on a day to day basis to function. I’m in a really bad depression as I recently got out of an abusive relationship and I need a job to pay rent and my car insurance but I really don’t know if I can do it, I hate having no time for me or my family, it’s like I live at work and I don’t want to go through that for the rest of my life. I’m only 21 and have almost no social life outside of my mother or work friends because I literally have no time to live. What do I do? I need money to live.

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