
I find my boss disgusting and I’ve had it with his nasty habits. Anyone deal with this?

Ok, I’ll admit it, I have misophonia. That said, I’m tired of hearing my boss clear his throat extremely loud because he’s a nasty pig who shoves too much food down his throat. On top of that, he burps and passes gas more than anyone else I’ve ever encountered in this world (and proudly laughs about it). In fact, he will even go out of his way to let one loose in front me and previous coworkers (it’s a wonder why I’m the only employee still here besides him). A few weeks back, he motioned me to come over and help him just so he could fart next to me. Additionally, he likes to play his large stomach like a set of drums and/or screech thinking it’s funny? Am I crazy for being fed up by this behavior and getting upset and telling him to “cut the shit”? I even…

Ok, I’ll admit it, I have misophonia. That said, I’m tired of hearing my boss clear his throat extremely loud because he’s a nasty pig who shoves too much food down his throat. On top of that, he burps and passes gas more than anyone else I’ve ever encountered in this world (and proudly laughs about it). In fact, he will even go out of his way to let one loose in front me and previous coworkers (it’s a wonder why I’m the only employee still here besides him). A few weeks back, he motioned me to come over and help him just so he could fart next to me. Additionally, he likes to play his large stomach like a set of drums and/or screech thinking it’s funny? Am I crazy for being fed up by this behavior and getting upset and telling him to “cut the shit”? I even exercised my frustrations saying that I’m tired of having to put up with extra shit (subtly referring to him) and double the work due to being severely understaffed without a pay increase to which he told me “You get overtime for having to work longer each day, it is what it is.”

I can only hope when inventory comes around next week, the store inventory discrepancy that is over $50,000 will get him put in his place by upper management!

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