
I found out how to be set for life: endure indentured servitude for ten years while also abstaining from earthly pleasures such as seeing your family.

I’m a 26 year old warehouse worker and have been for the past 5 years, before that I was in construction and landscaping for 2 years. Here in California if you’d like to pay rent as a warehouse worker you’ll either have to work your ass off (more than 40 hours a week) or join management. Neither idea I’m a fan of. I’ve been looking into other careers, and a rabbit hole starting with radio broadcasts landed me at a government organization called “Military Sealift Command”. It’s basically the logistics side of the navy. While I’ve been going through the process of applying with them I had it in my head that this would be great. My logic being since I’m on a boat they’ll house and feed me and 100% of my post-tax paycheck and be put towards savings. Now I’d also like to not work the rest of…

I’m a 26 year old warehouse worker and have been for the past 5 years, before that I was in construction and landscaping for 2 years.

Here in California if you’d like to pay rent as a warehouse worker you’ll either have to work your ass off (more than 40 hours a week) or join management. Neither idea I’m a fan of.

I’ve been looking into other careers, and a rabbit hole starting with radio broadcasts landed me at a government organization called “Military Sealift Command”. It’s basically the logistics side of the navy.

While I’ve been going through the process of applying with them I had it in my head that this would be great.

My logic being since I’m on a boat they’ll house and feed me and 100% of my post-tax paycheck and be put towards savings.

Now I’d also like to not work the rest of my life so I looked into living off of stocks and dividends, which (to make a very big topic short) averages at about 5% annual investment.

So 5% of 1,000,000 is 50k a year which is basically a job.

Problem is it’ll take me about 10 years to reach that, during which I’ll be cut off from my friends and family for a minimum 10 months out of the year. If I had a wife or kid I think that would just be impossible.

So yeah, despite my revelation I’m still going through with it because it’s better than the starvation wages I’m getting here in land.

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