I work security, i work mostly 12 hour shifts (which i chose) and sometimes work 10 hours. This job is something I thought i would enjoy, something i wanted to achieve. I'm 18 and i got what I wanted from life. Got a security job where you basically don't do anything, moved out from the village I hated to a city into my own apartment. I should be happy. So far when no one believed in me I proved them wrong, like for example when my family didn't believe I was gonna finish school because I also despised it. I had no problem with my job until I moved out or at least i didn't realize. My boss is 26 years old and his girlfriend works in the same place with us. She's fucking fake, everyone is fed up with her here. Since December 2022 i was depressed after moving out. I thought it was due to alcohol and pills, now I'm sober and yet I'm still unhappy and really pissed at world. During my delirium which lasted over a month I've ruined my relationships so much. The inteligent people forgave me but there's the problem with those dumb as an ape in a zoo. I began to find out from my coworkers that my bosses girlfriend isn't who she claims to be. And i have shared a secret with her about being in love with another coworker and knowing she can't keep her fucking mouth shut scared me. Yet i maintained transparency about my condition since I began making huge accomplishments in understanding my life long depression. And everyone overlooked me. Plus we were chatting with that coworker and she suddenly tells me the one I was in love with is not moving in with her parents but with some other guy. Of course I found it hard to believe since I found out that she's a selfish liar. So i tell that girl and she tells me that it's truth, since I found out it was truth i decided to apologize for my terrible trust issues towards my boss' girlfriend. So i proceeded to apologize to her to which she began shouting at me and lying to my face making even my cousin believe I was the bad one. Now we're in groups here. We switch shifts so sometimes I'm not with her and sometimes I am. Due to her my boss doesn't like me anymore, at least one another colleague likes me and it makes me despise working here. The other thing is that 12 hours shifts leave me with absolutely no time. When I do have a free day I spend it at home preparing for the next time I'll go to work. I always despised this life and i thought I'll be different. I have fucking dreams and hobbies for which my job is leaving me no time. I really want to quit but that would prove everyone right about me. I'm living alone for a second month and i dont know how I would make it financially if I quit.