
I get complimented for talking so casually with higher ups at work, but it’s because idc what their status is

Literally idc if they’re in the C-suite or just a manager, they’re getting treated the same way from me. They’re literally just people and I don’t understand why we have to glorify them and make them feel like royalty. Sorry I’m not kneeling at anyones feet just because they’re the head of a division or whatever title they want to go with to make themselves feel important. Anyone else have this outlook?

Literally idc if they’re in the C-suite or just a manager, they’re getting treated the same way from me. They’re literally just people and I don’t understand why we have to glorify them and make them feel like royalty. Sorry I’m not kneeling at anyones feet just because they’re the head of a division or whatever title they want to go with to make themselves feel important. Anyone else have this outlook?

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