
I got a job 4 months ago with a 50% pay increase. I’m accepting another job next week with another 20% pay raise

Boomer acquaintances tell me it is a bad look to jump jobs so soon but why wouldn't I move to another job that pays me more? The pay is the only reason I work. I hate that we are expected to stay at a job for 1+ years before it is “acceptable” to move on. Don't be loyal to your employers, you will only get taken advantage of.

Boomer acquaintances tell me it is a bad look to jump jobs so soon but why wouldn't I move to another job that pays me more? The pay is the only reason I work. I hate that we are expected to stay at a job for 1+ years before it is “acceptable” to move on. Don't be loyal to your employers, you will only get taken advantage of.

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