
I got a raise, and my government benefits were cut. I had to steal diapers for my child today.

I went from making $9.50 an hour to $15.25. I had to report it to my social worker and according to social services in my state, I now make too much to continue to receive the $362 a month we were getting in SNAP benefits. My daycare assistance was drastically cut. My Medicaid was cut but my daughter still has hers. I still get WIC. But it isn't enough. With the rising cost of grocery prices, I'm having to suddenly juggle bills, pay out of pocket for my own medication, find and go to food banks while trying to plan around my work schedule. Like I am not doing ok at all. My daughter's father is supposed to pay a certain amount in child support but the state “can't find him” so he's skipped out on several payments. It feels like I'm struggling just to get my head above water.…

I went from making $9.50 an hour to $15.25. I had to report it to my social worker and according to social services in my state, I now make too much to continue to receive the $362 a month we were getting in SNAP benefits. My daycare assistance was drastically cut. My Medicaid was cut but my daughter still has hers. I still get WIC. But it isn't enough. With the rising cost of grocery prices, I'm having to suddenly juggle bills, pay out of pocket for my own medication, find and go to food banks while trying to plan around my work schedule. Like I am not doing ok at all. My daughter's father is supposed to pay a certain amount in child support but the state “can't find him” so he's skipped out on several payments. It feels like I'm struggling just to get my head above water.

I had to steal diapers today. I feel so low about it. I thought I had enough to cover them but I didn't. I have less than $20 in my bank account and my daughter was down to her last 2 diapers. I feel so bad, so guilty, but it was either stick a small package of diapers under my purse and walk out or my kid goes without diapers. I even called her pediatrician's office to see if they had any to spare and I was told they didn't do that.

I feel so awful. I don't ever want to be in this position again. It fucking sucks. Something has got to give. It's got to get better, right?

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