
I got asked to reduce my one hr lunch break because “we are short staffed”

I have this job as a operational tourism agent for one month. The payment is not great but the colleagues are nice. I work 9-6 with 1 hr break.This week one of our colleague is on a tour as a guide and I'm taking over a part of her duties while she's gone. Today, after I eat my lunch, I went in the “meeting room” to watch some youtube videos for the rest of my break (I had 30 min left) as the little kitchen where we eat was busy(max 3 persons) and we are allowed to use that room for breaks. After 2 min my, let's call him department manager, came and asked me:”what are you doing, don't you have work to do?”. I was surprised and confused as he never spoke to me like that. At first I thought he was joking. I looked at him and said:”…it's…

I have this job as a operational tourism agent for one month. The payment is not great but the colleagues are nice. I work 9-6 with 1 hr break.This week one of our colleague is on a tour as a guide and I'm taking over a part of her duties while she's gone.

Today, after I eat my lunch, I went in the “meeting room” to watch some youtube videos for the rest of my break (I had 30 min left) as the little kitchen where we eat was busy(max 3 persons) and we are allowed to use that room for breaks.

After 2 min my, let's call him department manager, came and asked me:”what are you doing, don't you have work to do?”. I was surprised and confused as he never spoke to me like that. At first I thought he was joking.

I looked at him and said:”…it's my break…”, then he said:”I know you have 1 hrs break but we are missing 1 person and we can't stay and watch movies, we are very busy”. He said it in a tone that almost made me feel bad for taking MY BREAK.

I was really annoyed,angry and disgusted, I stopped the video and went back to my desk. I was angry all day long.

Needless to say that I was lied at the interview, the director said there is only one phone for emergencies and we'll take it at home with us once a week or so. EVERYONE has a fucking phone and I've heard stories where my colleagues had stayed on the phone for hours with the guides for stupid shit on weekends or after workinghours. I don't have a phone yet because I'm still new, but I really don't want one. I specifically said at the interview I want a job that respects work-life ballance . He also said I can take days off whenever I want if my colleagues are OK with that. Well, that's another fucking lie, we are NOT allowed to have vacation while high season…

Why tf do they have to be like this? Pay shitty salaries and expect you to die for their shithole company? Is it so fucking hard to respect one's rights? They won't pay me for that half an hour i had to work because they sent away an employee in high season. Every employer had lied to me. Every one wants me to give my life for the job. I already left a job after one month for how poorly organised was the company and for how shitty were the employees. I don't want to do it again ffs.

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