
I got fired for doing pushups

I (M 21)was working at Legoland Discovery San San antonio back in february after a long hiatus during covid. Things were going well at first we start getting new hires and I was making good hours. I started develop insomnia due to staying up at night during covid gaming. My performance at work started deteriorating and I got written up once for nodding off while at a station. One day I'm operating our VR station and feel myself starting to nod so I drop and do 6 push-ups to wake myself up,as I do this our tech manager passes by and tells me how I can't do that and so I get up and assume my previous position. 5 minutes go by and two of my managers (operations) approach me and ask them to come back with them to the office.When I get back there I'm informed that they were…

I (M 21)was working at Legoland Discovery San San antonio back in february after a long hiatus during covid. Things were going well at first we start getting new hires and I was making good hours. I started develop insomnia due to staying up at night during covid gaming. My performance at work started deteriorating and I got written up once for nodding off while at a station. One day I'm operating our VR station and feel myself starting to nod so I drop and do 6 push-ups to wake myself up,as I do this our tech manager passes by and tells me how I can't do that and so I get up and assume my previous position. 5 minutes go by and two of my managers (operations) approach me and ask them to come back with them to the office.When I get back there I'm informed that they were made aware that I had started doing push-ups on an active ride.I responded with “yes I have been having sleeping and started nodding off so I did some push-ups to get my blood pumping a bit”.They told me that It was a safety violation to do this while a ride is in motion (keep in mind this is VR Station with no possible risk as I checked it even while no one is on it as is part of the job). So they told me I was getting a write up I said okay and went back to work.30 minutes later about 10 minutes from my break they approached me again asking me to come to the back. I went back and knew what was coming by the look on their faces. They informed me that I have to be terminated due to the safety violation and had me turn in my ID card and uniform. Our head of HR was there and they said bc she heard what transpired they couldn't let it slide.But i know that was false because she talking with me after the tech manager walked away.

The ironic thing? One of the managers that fired me interviewed the same day and started at the same position that fired me.

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