
I got into a verbal fight with my boss about a written high five.

Background: For the last several years I’ve worked as a receptionist at the front desk of a busy office. Up until 9/1/21 – there has always been 2 receptionists running the front. Tammi, the 2nd receptionist retired 9/1/21. I’ve been running things by myself since. (A new Tammi was hired but she quickly quit). It’s been hard! I’ve asked my boss for help at the front desk. Verbally, via email and during my evaluation. Her response is always, “there is a front desk coverage schedule. You can ask those people on the schedule for help whenever you need it.” The ppl on the front desk coverage schedule have other job responsibilities. Covering the front is stressful for them. When I bring this up to my boss – she says that it’s not my problem. It’s like if I worked for a dentist’s office and called up the dentist to help…


For the last several years I’ve worked as a receptionist at the front desk of a busy office. Up until 9/1/21 – there has always been 2 receptionists running the front.

Tammi, the 2nd receptionist retired 9/1/21. I’ve been running things by myself since. (A new Tammi was hired but she quickly quit). It’s been hard!

I’ve asked my boss for help at the front desk. Verbally, via email and during my evaluation. Her response is always, “there is a front desk coverage schedule. You can ask those people on the schedule for help whenever you need it.”

The ppl on the front desk coverage schedule have other job responsibilities. Covering the front is stressful for them. When I bring this up to my boss – she says that it’s not my problem. It’s like if I worked for a dentist’s office and called up the dentist to help with reception.

The High Five:

At work we have a high five board. This is for employees to recognize other employees with a written thank you. It’s posted so everyone can see.

Written on the high five for me was, “High Five to (Me), For continuing to be our frontline warrior of the office and continuing to [wear] the hats of 2 front desk workers in one. You are loved and appreciated greatly for all you do for us! Thanks! (Coworker).”

When I noticed this high five was written I was ecstatic! I took a picture of it to send to my friends. Thankfully I did this bc this high five got taken down.

The Fight:

The next morning, I walked by the High Five board. I noticed my high five was gone.

I was so upset about it!

I suspected the person who took the high five down was my own boss, Gladys. I thought this bc she oversees the high five board. So, I confronted her about it.

I find her and ask, “Hey do you know what happened to my high five?”

Gladys points her index finger towards me and makes a come-hither motion. “Come into my office and close the door.”

Sh!ts about to get real.

As soon as the door closes Gladys lays into it.

“What (Coworker) wrote on that high five isn’t appropriate. I took it down.” – Gladys

Omg. I felt my blood level rise. I go, “Why, would you take it down?”

She says, “The rest of the office doesn’t need to know what’s going on with this. You do not do two jobs.”

I’m livid. I go, “It’s not a secret that Tammi has been gone since September and I’ve been doing both jobs since then.”

She goes, “You were never supposed to sit up at the front desk all the time. You were supposed to be trained and sit back at your own desk. You chose to sit at that front desk!”

(I have an abandoned desk I never sit at bc I was always helping the busy front desk. I’m feeling gaslighted.)

Emotionally, I’m like, “Tammi would’ve drowned without me! How was she supposed to help all those people and answer all those phone calls herself?! It was never a one-person job!”

Again, Gladys says, “it is not a two-person job,” and adds, “You said so yourself in the email you sent.”

(She was mentioning the email I sent formally asking for help at front desk. The email basically said, “This is not a one-person gig – we need a second receptionist.” Gladys was confusing me.)

Idr much of what happened next because I just opened the door and left. I didn’t want to say out loud what I was thinking.

Gladys never worked the front. I try to explain to Gladys what it’s like dealing with all this by myself it just gets dismissed with a “suck it up buttercup. There’s a front desk schedule. Use it.”

I’m so upset about the whole situation. I’ve never been more motivated to leave my current job.

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