
I got sexually harassed 4 days into the job

A little backstory, I (28) just started working at a certain “tiktok famous” cookie place. My first day, this old woman (55) saw my wedding band, and asked what my girlfriend does for a living. Well, I’m gay, so i told her my husband works from home, to which her eyes got real wide and she said “you tricked me” ???? No clue what that meant, so i shrugged it off. She also told me not to say “heard” when responding to her, saying she thinks it’s so stupid and “something else I cant say” which, I can only imagine is the R-word. Now if youve worked in a restaurant you know EVERYONE says ‘heard’ ive been in the industry for a long time and have NEVER not said heard. She also has come to me repeatedly saying that she thinks a co-worker of mine (18) is “slow” and says…

A little backstory, I (28) just started working at a certain “tiktok famous” cookie place. My first day, this old woman (55) saw my wedding band, and asked what my girlfriend does for a living. Well, I’m gay, so i told her my husband works from home, to which her eyes got real wide and she said “you tricked me” ???? No clue what that meant, so i shrugged it off.

She also told me not to say “heard” when responding to her, saying she thinks it’s so stupid and “something else I cant say” which, I can only imagine is the R-word. Now if youve worked in a restaurant you know EVERYONE says ‘heard’ ive been in the industry for a long time and have NEVER not said heard. She also has come to me repeatedly saying that she thinks a co-worker of mine (18) is “slow” and says hes “off forgot to take his meds this morning” obviously implying what she thinks about him.

I brought up how she treats others and she says disrespectful things about co workers to a manager (18). To which she replied “oh, she doesnt mean anything by it, she can come across as crass, but she is good hearted”

Now the juicy part, today, the woman watched me put away cookies into the fridge and called me dreamy, again she knows I’m married and gay. Then the SAME DAY i was carrying a mixing bowl to the mixers in the front of the store and said “coming behind” to let everyone know so they don’t bump me. The woman then said out loud “oof imagine”

This place doesnt care about it employees at all, the owners/managers are all super Christian and ignore any complaint employees give about this woman, and I’ve been here for 4 days. How can I handle this? Obviously im assuming they will brush it all off, when another co worker went to management about how the woman pushed her back to the kitchen area as she was heading to dish area, they pretty much said she didnt mean anything by it and brushed it off again.

I want to take it to OSHA or EEOC if they don’t acknowledge what she did to me.

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