
I got the Australian work safety organisation involved with a past employer

At one of my previous jobs we used to do a lot of unsafe shit and it wasnt clear at the time because I was/am young and dumb. We would load and unload trucks with forklifts in ways that weren't safe and many times had several hundred kilograms of metal fencing fall off the fork or if the load was too heavy sometimes the forklift would tip forward. Our “yard manager”, someone with an unofficial title getting paid not much more than us, would say jump on the back to help balance the forklift. As I'm typing it out I'm realising we were probably one step away from being in one of those work safety videos. After I left that job my new workplace sent a bunch of us to get our forklift licenses and this is where I learned that none of that shit was okay. The trainer just…

At one of my previous jobs we used to do a lot of unsafe shit and it wasnt clear at the time because I was/am young and dumb.

We would load and unload trucks with forklifts in ways that weren't safe and many times had several hundred kilograms of metal fencing fall off the fork or if the load was too heavy sometimes the forklift would tip forward. Our “yard manager”, someone with an unofficial title getting paid not much more than us, would say jump on the back to help balance the forklift.

As I'm typing it out I'm realising we were probably one step away from being in one of those work safety videos.

After I left that job my new workplace sent a bunch of us to get our forklift licenses and this is where I learned that none of that shit was okay. The trainer just had a wtf look on his face when I was telling him some of the things. The training goes over all the government laws and regulations and this was when I got the idea to report them.

Safe work NSW was magnificent. I used their website, reported anonymously about all the bullshit and they actually showed up within the week. Because I reported anonymously I didn't receive any official updates from them but my brother still worked there, so I got to hear about all the drama.

The best part was they never suspected me because this was roughly six months after I left and they were thinking it was someone else who quit recently so there was no blow back on my brother.

Fuck them, I worked hard and they rewarded the lazy.

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