
I got the bosses to quit and became the boss. Life is good!

So I worked for a company producing marijuana edibles for a while. It was me and 2 other people that I considered my bosses. The whole time I worked my ass of they never lifted a finger to help. I would work 50+ hours some weeks, I came home early from vacations to work, was never given any PTO. On top of all of this I was paid 24k a year BEFORE TAXES. They both told me at my age that should be plenty or I wasn’t managing my money right. After about a year I realized I was their cash cow. They even outsourced to a company’s to sell their products for them. All they did was make invoices and that’s it. We’ll flash forward a little bit and I start working with another company under the same building. Well the company I was working for wasn’t doing well…

So I worked for a company producing marijuana edibles for a while. It was me and 2 other people that I considered my bosses. The whole time I worked my ass of they never lifted a finger to help. I would work 50+ hours some weeks, I came home early from vacations to work, was never given any PTO. On top of all of this I was paid 24k a year BEFORE TAXES. They both told me at my age that should be plenty or I wasn’t managing my money right. After about a year I realized I was their cash cow. They even outsourced to a company’s to sell their products for them. All they did was make invoices and that’s it. We’ll flash forward a little bit and I start working with another company under the same building. Well the company I was working for wasn’t doing well and they had no intention of doing anything but benefiting from my hard work. So I went to the other company and asked them if they would take me on. They were happy to and even did me one better by buying the building I was working in and kicking out my old bosses. They promoted me and gave me more responsibility. They treat me great, pay me much better, and they give me free reign to create my own products that I want to create. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been this happy working as I am today.

I’m just saying this to emphasize that if you treat your employees like shit and depend on them to make you money but never to anything to help. They will find people that do care about them and you will ultimately lose.

The company is closed now and mine is doing fantastic ️

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