
I guess there something wrong with me, but I can’t help but dislike the idea of working 60 hours per week.

Just wanna say thank you guys for having this subreddit. The many times I complained about public accounting and having to work 60 hours per week (even from home) got me downvoted to oblivion. It seems like it's a crime to say that as an accountant working 60 hours per week is unfair. I really don't care if it's busy season or not. If you really want to, sure. But then that's your personal choice. But to say, “you chose this field” or “that's the nature of the beast” is quite ridiculous to me. I think it's super unhealthy honestly. But yeah, I mostly posted this because I would get downvoted by others for sharing my opinion about working 60 hours per week. It's almost as if it's a crime to sacrifice salary for less hours. I sure as hell barely want to work 40 hours a week, much less…

Just wanna say thank you guys for having this subreddit. The many times I complained about public accounting and having to work 60 hours per week (even from home) got me downvoted to oblivion. It seems like it's a crime to say that as an accountant working 60 hours per week is unfair. I really don't care if it's busy season or not. If you really want to, sure. But then that's your personal choice. But to say, “you chose this field” or “that's the nature of the beast” is quite ridiculous to me. I think it's super unhealthy honestly. But yeah, I mostly posted this because I would get downvoted by others for sharing my opinion about working 60 hours per week. It's almost as if it's a crime to sacrifice salary for less hours. I sure as hell barely want to work 40 hours a week, much less 60! Haha, anyways…

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