
I hate capitalism and I can’t shut up about it

We basically live in a system where life has lost meaning and where happyness and lasure is a luxury few can afford. People are getting radicalized left and right, and I feel like the only way to scape it is alienation. If people can't get food, if people have to put their life's on the line during a pandemic so rich can get more yachts, if the governments keep not providing minimum support for people, if you have less and less access to education and arts…. How do you not get radicalized? We are being pushed to an extreme where many have to decide between the “economy” and the environment – and it's hard to choose to starve or see your community dismantle by lack of money in order to preserve Earth. Ecology is almost just a hippie concept when you have to continue to labor or else. Sorry, I'm…

We basically live in a system where life has lost meaning and where happyness and lasure is a luxury few can afford.

People are getting radicalized left and right, and I feel like the only way to scape it is alienation.

If people can't get food, if people have to put their life's on the line during a pandemic so rich can get more yachts, if the governments keep not providing minimum support for people, if you have less and less access to education and arts…. How do you not get radicalized?

We are being pushed to an extreme where many have to decide between the “economy” and the environment – and it's hard to choose to starve or see your community dismantle by lack of money in order to preserve Earth. Ecology is almost just a hippie concept when you have to continue to labor or else.

Sorry, I'm ranting.

But in Canada there is these stupid people in the Freedom Convoy, doing a bunch of bad things under the blessings of God he police, and I'm on edge.

Because there are a lot of folks that are not extremists, but are joining this because, let's be franc: the COVID policies don't make any fucking sense. And I agree.

Specially in Ontario, where the Premiere open and closed business all the time. Where you can't get rapid tests, or tested at all. Where you can have giant sports events one day, and be unable to enter a restaurant the other. Lock does come and go, but blue color workers have to push through all, and work – even if they are sick.

It's hard.

The left needs to stop pretending that we don't have a problem with the restrictions, or that those who have are anti science and understand that we are pushing people to the right.

And again – it's all BC of freaking capitalism.

We need to be more creative and think or real ways to change the world before we kill each other in desperation.

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