
I hate discovering this subreddit

I hate realizing I'm exchanging my labor for shit wages. That corporations lobby to have legislation that benefits them at the expense of the working class. That at the rate of COL and wage stagnation I will never own a small, modest house. That if I get into a car accident- because car manufacturers successfully worked against creating a public transportation system- I will become financially bankrupt. That its all a lie; the American Dream, working hard will pay off, that retirement is possible, its all a bag of lies.

I hate realizing I'm exchanging my labor for shit wages.

That corporations lobby to have legislation that benefits them at the expense of the working class.

That at the rate of COL and wage stagnation I will never own a small, modest house.

That if I get into a car accident- because car manufacturers successfully worked against creating a public transportation system- I will become financially bankrupt.

That its all a lie; the American Dream, working hard will pay off, that retirement is possible, its all a bag of lies.

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