
I hate my job…

I work in healthcare, and I actually used to like my job. About a year ago I had to change shifts and now I get to deal with 1 misogynistic, sexist asshole and 1 control freak who thinks she's the boss and has only been there 2 months. Bosses who rug sweep and make empty promises. Btw, I am the Supervisor on our shift, but I cannot fire them. After multiple arguments with these 2 individuals and management not doing a damn thing about them, I started looking for another job. As a single Mom I can't just quit, although I'd love to, I just can't afford to. They don't pay me enough as is. My mental health has taken a nose dive. Everyone dislikes these 2 people and I only get 1 night free from both of them. The stress is taking a toll, I go into work prepared…

I work in healthcare, and I actually used to like my job. About a year ago I had to change shifts and now I get to deal with 1 misogynistic, sexist asshole and 1 control freak who thinks she's the boss and has only been there 2 months. Bosses who rug sweep and make empty promises. Btw, I am the Supervisor on our shift, but I cannot fire them.

After multiple arguments with these 2 individuals and management not doing a damn thing about them, I started looking for another job. As a single Mom I can't just quit, although I'd love to, I just can't afford to. They don't pay me enough as is.

My mental health has taken a nose dive. Everyone dislikes these 2 people and I only get 1 night free from both of them. The stress is taking a toll, I go into work prepared for a fight every single shift.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I've been on 1 interview with no call back yet. I need to get out of healthcare though, I will not go back to this field ever again! How do I deal with it until I'm able to leave? I really just hate it there now, it's unfortunate. Going to try to sleep, I'll take any and all tips.

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