
I hate my job but I have to keep it

I’d love some support because I’m sure this is not a unique experience. I’ve been at a new job (reception at a law firm) for 2 months and I’m already exhausted. I can’t quit because it pays better than most jobs in my area and I need to pay for rent/car/school/etc. I’ve never had a job that’s made me feel so useless before. The girl I replaced had been working here for a while so she was really on top of things, whereas I’m struggling to keep up. I’m well aware of how dumb my mistakes have been, and the managers make it abundantly clear how stupid they think I am. I just smile politely and thank them for their feedback, because I’ll be damned if this job makes me a bitter asshole like them. I make a point to be extremely polite and kind, because it would make me…

I’d love some support because I’m sure this is not a unique experience. I’ve been at a new job (reception at a law firm) for 2 months and I’m already exhausted. I can’t quit because it pays better than most jobs in my area and I need to pay for rent/car/school/etc.

I’ve never had a job that’s made me feel so useless before. The girl I replaced had been working here for a while so she was really on top of things, whereas I’m struggling to keep up. I’m well aware of how dumb my mistakes have been, and the managers make it abundantly clear how stupid they think I am. I just smile politely and thank them for their feedback, because I’ll be damned if this job makes me a bitter asshole like them. I make a point to be extremely polite and kind, because it would make me even more frustrated if I personally added to this bad environment.

I have to keep working this job until I’m done school, so at least 6 months, if not longer. I know exactly what work I want to be doing when I’m done (and I’m really excited for it), it’s just hard to see the positives sometimes.

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