
I hate my job, despise management and my FMLA ends today.

My work doesn't offer paid maternity leave but I opted to take an unpaid leave for 12 weeks under FMLA to care for and bond with my newborn. The past 3 months have been the best of my life. Once my leave started, I quickly realized that work is the ONLY thing I talk about in therapy, and suddenly had nothing to discuss. I was living my best life and enjoying motherhood. Now that im set to return to work Monday, every fiber of my being is screaming no. I've been on edge this entire week, dreading the verbal abuse and manipulation tactics. I do plan to look for a new job, but for the time being the bills are really piling up and I don't have much choice. Not really looking for advice, just figured u all would understand!

My work doesn't offer paid maternity leave but I opted to take an unpaid leave for 12 weeks under FMLA to care for and bond with my newborn. The past 3 months have been the best of my life. Once my leave started, I quickly realized that work is the ONLY thing I talk about in therapy, and suddenly had nothing to discuss. I was living my best life and enjoying motherhood. Now that im set to return to work Monday, every fiber of my being is screaming no. I've been on edge this entire week, dreading the verbal abuse and manipulation tactics. I do plan to look for a new job, but for the time being the bills are really piling up and I don't have much choice. Not really looking for advice, just figured u all would understand!

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