
I hate my job so much but I need it

I have just like a month working here, and I don't like it one bit. NOT. ONE. BIT. Yes, people are great and pay is not that bad, but the hours and shifts are monstrously inhumane, and its something I feel I'm not “built” to do. I haven't learn anything, haven't gotten the ropes at all and my brain can not keep up with the “demands” and expectations of this job, that is in no way, shape or form related to what I studied for nor what I can do. I think it is my self-sabotaging nature talking, but just a month in, and I am already making up tons of excuses to not go to work, and to not get on my home station (hybrid working). Man I just want to quit so bad. I feel super miserable, but after 9 months of not being able to find work…

I have just like a month working here, and I don't like it one bit. NOT. ONE. BIT. Yes, people are great and pay is not that bad, but the hours and shifts are monstrously inhumane, and its something I feel I'm not “built” to do. I haven't learn anything, haven't gotten the ropes at all and my brain can not keep up with the “demands” and expectations of this job, that is in no way, shape or form related to what I studied for nor what I can do.

I think it is my self-sabotaging nature talking, but just a month in, and I am already making up tons of excuses to not go to work, and to not get on my home station (hybrid working).

Man I just want to quit so bad. I feel super miserable, but after 9 months of not being able to find work in my area of expertise, and this one being the ONLY option available at the time, I took it without questions. I was even happy at the start, in the interview phase, because everything seemed so perfect. After two days I started feeling like this, and after just a month I'm in the phase of dreading every second, just because I can't quit out of fear of being on the bench another 9 months or more. I know I'm throwing a tantrum, but I can't do it anymore. People around me have been supportive (no one knows how I feel about this, but I can't say anything because they would not understand/care), but I don't know how much time I can keep the façade up.

I absolutely don't miss being unemployed one bit, but I'm at the unhappiness I've been in a VERY long time after I started working here.

I don't know what to do.

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