
I hate that I always feel bad about calling in to work.

I’ve been working at a local specialty store for a few months now and today is my fourth time calling in. For context I have very bad digestion issues that cause me to be prone to all sorts of bowel sicknesses. This time I’ve had food poisoning the past two days and have been barfing, and I wholeheartedly resent that capitalism has bred this mindset into me that I must go into work or make up days for not working. What a sick system—I know that my own bodily issues are out of my control but I still can’t help but feel that deep anxiety within me that all of the managers just think I’m some bum who calls in once a month. Anyway, I’m trying to get into the mindset that they just view me as a tool in which they can profit off of exploiting my labor and…

I’ve been working at a local specialty store for a few months now and today is my fourth time calling in. For context I have very bad digestion issues that cause me to be prone to all sorts of bowel sicknesses. This time I’ve had food poisoning the past two days and have been barfing, and I wholeheartedly resent that capitalism has bred this mindset into me that I must go into work or make up days for not working. What a sick system—I know that my own bodily issues are out of my control but I still can’t help but feel that deep anxiety within me that all of the managers just think I’m some bum who calls in once a month. Anyway, I’m trying to get into the mindset that they just view me as a tool in which they can profit off of exploiting my labor and it’s been helping bit by bit. Thanks for reading 🙂

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