
I hate the idiotic company that my bf works at

He has been working for this company as a tech for five months. He works the night shift from Tuesday to Friday (gets off at 4am) and then is expected to come in at 10am Saturday morning. They are understaffed, but the higher ups say that the team needs to be more productive to justify hiring someone else. And each “activity” is viewed as the same level of productivity. So doing a two hour repair on a bed gets the same productivity points as slapping on a sticker on a bed. They told him that he was going to get 20 dollars an hour but started him at 19. He gets zero holiday pay despite working Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Recently, one of his coworkers crashed one of the company trucks so the company took away the bonuses for everyone. I just don’t understand. These managers don’t seem to…

He has been working for this company as a tech for five months. He works the night shift from Tuesday to Friday (gets off at 4am) and then is expected to come in at 10am Saturday morning. They are understaffed, but the higher ups say that the team needs to be more productive to justify hiring someone else. And each “activity” is viewed as the same level of productivity. So doing a two hour repair on a bed gets the same productivity points as slapping on a sticker on a bed. They told him that he was going to get 20 dollars an hour but started him at 19. He gets zero holiday pay despite working Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Recently, one of his coworkers crashed one of the company trucks so the company took away the bonuses for everyone. I just don’t understand. These managers don’t seem to understand that they are killing their workers and destroying morale. My bf is waiting for another job at the hospital to open up before he cuts and runs, but I hope this job doesn’t kill him before then. Thanks for listening to my rant.

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