
I hate this job and I’ve never been this exhausted in my life.

I've been working for this company since October. I've been quickly promoted and at first I was happy, because someone finally noticed how much I try… fast forward 3 months and things have gone to shit real quick. I've been basically doing a job for 3 people all the while getting the same money, which wasn't even close enough to how much someone in my position should make. One day it just became too much and I've handed my notice and quit. The regional manager offered me a better position, at a different place for much more money. At first I was happy – who wouldn't be, but the more time I've spend there the more I realised why she wanted me to become the head of department so much. The place is a mess, there's so many things wrong you don't even know where to start, staff shortages, supply…

I've been working for this company since October. I've been quickly promoted and at first I was happy, because someone finally noticed how much I try… fast forward 3 months and things have gone to shit real quick. I've been basically doing a job for 3 people all the while getting the same money, which wasn't even close enough to how much someone in my position should make. One day it just became too much and I've handed my notice and quit. The regional manager offered me a better position, at a different place for much more money. At first I was happy – who wouldn't be, but the more time I've spend there the more I realised why she wanted me to become the head of department so much. The place is a mess, there's so many things wrong you don't even know where to start, staff shortages, supply shortages, most of the current employees are not fitted for the job and there's a constant pressure from the head office on your shoulders 24/7.
On top of it, I was supposed to work 40h a week, but now work between 50 – 60, without getting extra money for it because I'm on salary
I keep sending my resume to different places in hopes that maybe I'll land a job somewhere else, even if it's less money. I'm postponing moving to the city where my new job is that as much as I can because to be honest I'm hoping still that maybe I'll find something last minute.
Overall a shitty situation, but I have no one else than myself to blame for thinking they would really offer me something better than my last job.
If something seems too good to be true it usually is.

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