
I hate this job so fking much

So me(23yo F) I am recently working as an accountant for a company that is keeping financial documents for 50 companies. Yesterday my boss asked me for help, even thought I made clear to her that I am new to this job and I dont know what I am doing. She told me to do stuffs then she went to the SALOON leaving me alone with a ton of work. She said she will come back to me after 30 mins but it took 2 hours. Alright I accepted that because I know that the time spent might vary but after she gave me a ton of work to do balance sheets for Oct Nov and Dec she said that she needs for February not those months. Then…I did as she asked and because I am new I messed up the numbers for some taxes because the paper was in…

So me(23yo F) I am recently working as an accountant for a company that is keeping financial documents for 50 companies. Yesterday my boss asked me for help, even thought I made clear to her that I am new to this job and I dont know what I am doing. She told me to do stuffs then she went to the SALOON leaving me alone with a ton of work. She said she will come back to me after 30 mins but it took 2 hours. Alright I accepted that because I know that the time spent might vary but after she gave me a ton of work to do balance sheets for Oct Nov and Dec she said that she needs for February not those months. Then…I did as she asked and because I am new I messed up the numbers for some taxes because the paper was in english( they usually have 20,887 and I thought thats a small number) and she yelled at me again.
I dont want to add that I spent from 8 am until 9 pm doing her shit and today I am at 7 am at work because she said to be early………. And guess what…only for…..300 euro……per…..month.

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