
I hate working with my co-worker

She is really irritating to me. She turns on Indian music all day at work during a 13 hour shift but she doesn’t ask me first if it’s okay with me. I work as a pharmacist so I need to concentrate in order to check off prescriptions (otherwise my patients may die if I do a miscalculation or dispensing error) so her Indian music is really distracting. I don’t understand what her Indian music is saying so it’s really deterring my attention away from my job. She could’ve listened to her music during her breaks yet she chooses to blast that music in my face 13 hours straight. She also explains things very poorly the first time in her Indian accent, and when I ask her to repeat herself, she gets angry at me and accused me of being “slow” when in fact I just can’t understand her heavy Indian…

She is really irritating to me. She turns on Indian music all day at work during a 13 hour shift but she doesn’t ask me first if it’s okay with me. I work as a pharmacist so I need to concentrate in order to check off prescriptions (otherwise my patients may die if I do a miscalculation or dispensing error) so her Indian music is really distracting. I don’t understand what her Indian music is saying so it’s really deterring my attention away from my job. She could’ve listened to her music during her breaks yet she chooses to blast that music in my face 13 hours straight.

She also explains things very poorly the first time in her Indian accent, and when I ask her to repeat herself, she gets angry at me and accused me of being “slow” when in fact I just can’t understand her heavy Indian accent (but I haven’t mentioned this to her face in case she thinks I’m being racist – but for real her Indian accent is very thick/heavy and hard to understand). All I asked her was “could you say that again? Sorry I didn’t get what you said the first time”.

She also tells clients when things will be ready without checking with me first, when I’m her supervisor. I’m annoyed working with her. I’m her supervisor but I’m new to the job.

She also turned up sick with COVID symptoms to work, she was coughing and sneezing all day, when she should be at home…and she turns up late to work…What to do?

Edit: I’ve tried raising my concerns to her in a gentle and respectful manner but she gets passive aggressive and overly sarcastic every single time. She is very difficult to work with. I love music in general but I can’t stand Indian music. It is nothing against Indians or Indian culture as a whole. It is a personal preference. Just like how some people don’t like dancing or don’t like drinking coffee. If you prefer Japanese cars over European cars, does this make you racist towards European people?

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