
I have a general question about how I got fucked over by a so called (Christian) friend

Okay I have noone i can really ask whom would know about smthing like this. So here's what happened 4 or 5 months ago an ole buddy reached out said he needed a welder/ironworker and I was ecstatic because we were struggling financially. Anyway I hire on everything's going well (I did get a little nervous with the heights and all but before long I was walking all along welding and doing whatever he needed) I was doing great and after 3 .5 months I took off a Friday (I never missed any work and he was completely cool with it even said he'd pay me for the day which he did) when I get back he says we were slow and going back to work the 27th well the 27th he tells me he met with his supervisor and he had to cut his crew to two people (they…

Okay I have noone i can really ask whom would know about smthing like this. So here's what happened 4 or 5 months ago an ole buddy reached out said he needed a welder/ironworker and I was ecstatic because we were struggling financially. Anyway I hire on everything's going well (I did get a little nervous with the heights and all but before long I was walking all along welding and doing whatever he needed) I was doing great and after 3 .5 months I took off a Friday (I never missed any work and he was completely cool with it even said he'd pay me for the day which he did) when I get back he says we were slow and going back to work the 27th well the 27th he tells me he met with his supervisor and he had to cut his crew to two people (they guys he had the longest) so I was laid off. That's not the issue the issue is when I went to go get a paper it says that I was let go on the 16th.. that was the day I took off work and I was let go for unsatisfactory job performance.. I've been doing this shit for years yall not trying to boast but i know how to do welding and ironwrking and I always bust my ass everywhere I go. Now I'm fucked out of unemployment and any other job I try to apply for when they call that company.. is this even right yall I'm asking is there anything I can do because this messed me up big time I have a fiance and 2 boys to support and we have to move October the end of our lease due to them remodeling and. Upping the rent (which we definitely can't afford its already 1353 for a 2 br 2 bath. And they're going up 200.. I'm just lost and trying to reach out just looking for some guidance. Family back home are assholes and judgmental so I've gotta do this on my own. I've been doing handyman work but that has slowed down too recently. Applying for food stamps was a bitch but it got an extra 200, but now we luckily have a camper her mom is giving us to use to save some money . I'm sorry for ranting im just wondering if anything can be done about that company I feel like I got fucked over big time and have text messages between me and him and him saying they were slow then he had to cut his crew etc etc.
Thanks anyone who actually read all that…

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