
I have been at my training managers whims end for 5 days. I just got fired because I had the audacity to ask for a 10 minute completely legal break. of course there’s nothing I can do about it because in my state there is no reason whatsoever for terminating an employee.

Just for this stupid job I had to memorize every single menu item and their description and their abbreviation which is totally fair.. (They hired me as part-time and as working at part-time and another job) yet the manager kept telling me that you need to make sure that I am learning everything full-time no matter what) Today was my 5th day as a food runner , not server. My manager told me they were unfortunately going to have to let me go… Or whatever the fuck because I exercised my legal right to take a 10 minute break. My first few shifts I decided not to because it's only a 6-hour shift I can work straight through it, try to prove myself. So today was my last day of training and i wanted to take a break. She said “we don't really do that.. “and when I said well…

Just for this stupid job I had to memorize every single menu item and their description and their abbreviation which is totally fair.. (They hired me as part-time and as working at part-time and another job) yet the manager kept telling me that you need to make sure that I am learning everything full-time no matter what)

Today was my 5th day as a food runner , not server. My manager told me they were unfortunately going to have to let me go… Or whatever the fuck because I exercised my legal right to take a 10 minute break.

My first few shifts I decided not to because it's only a 6-hour shift I can work straight through it, try to prove myself.

So today was my last day of training and i wanted to take a break.
She said “we don't really do that.. “and when I said well I would like to exercise my right, in our state we get a paid 10 minute break every 4 hours that I am scheduled, she rolled her eyes and said okay. I got back from my 10 minute break and immediately got sat down by managers and said you know blah blah blah we think you're doing great blah blah. blah but you're just not a right fit blah blah blah. Fuck work. Got fired. It's not fair.

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