
I have been working for this company for 6 months, asked for a raise, and got denied. How do I keep myself from feeling dehumanized??

For context, I begged and negotiated just to get 50 cents above min wage coming in with 2 years of experience. I now get paid $13 an hour. I started realizing my coworkers were getting paid $15, a few $13.50. I also started getting indeed alerts for my job paying $13.50. I’ve been working here for 6 months and am the person working there the second longest. (Super high turnover!) We’ve had good staffing for the past two months, but today TWO people walked out on the shift and I was asked to finish their shift for them. I ended up working 12 hours. I’m not going to go on and on about how I’m a good worker, I am, but it very obviously does not matter. I could be shooting the shit all day and would get paid the same. I sent an email asking for a raise after…

For context, I begged and negotiated just to get 50 cents above min wage coming in with 2 years of experience. I now get paid $13 an hour. I started realizing my coworkers were getting paid $15, a few $13.50. I also started getting indeed alerts for my job paying $13.50.

I’ve been working here for 6 months and am the person working there the second longest. (Super high turnover!)

We’ve had good staffing for the past two months, but today TWO people walked out on the shift and I was asked to finish their shift for them. I ended up working 12 hours. I’m not going to go on and on about how I’m a good worker, I am, but it very obviously does not matter. I could be shooting the shit all day and would get paid the same.

I sent an email asking for a raise after trying numerous times to ask my boss in person. She was busy every time, so I just decided to shoot an email. It had been 3 days and she still didn’t respond.

So I walked into her office, and she basically said: “I got your email. Unfortunately; we are way over budget on pay, and have a raise cap. I can try my best to get you to $13.50 where everyone else is, but don’t get your hopes up.” (For context, I asked for $15.)

So, I was basically told that I am the lowest paid employee. And I am not even worth ¢50.

I don’t live in a low cost area. Looking around at apartments, the lowest rent is about $1900 a month. Even if I worked 40 hours a week (I don’t because I’m a student), I’d be making $2080 before taxes.

Luckily I have savings and help from my parents, but I’m losing SO much money every month just to work here. I love working there, it’s fun, but it’s also exhausting and requires a lot from me.

How am I expected to give 150% to a job that can’t even pay me a living wage? Am I really not worth ¢50? Why do companies think it’s okay to pay so little and ask so much? (Many companies pay this rate in my town.)

With Roe v. Wade I just can’t help but feel like I’ve lost my worth as a human being. All I am is a uterus and an employee. I just feel so fucking pathetic arguing over dollars and cents. It’s embarrassing. I’m worth more than that, but I’ve yet to find a job that values me as a human and will pay me a living human wage.

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