
I have lost all motivation to work.

Seriously, what even is the point anymore? I worked a shit job for a garbage company that treated me like crap for years because I made good money, and have nothing to show for it. Right when I was ready to buy a house, I got priced out of the market. So now I'm going to take the vast majority of my life savings and throw it at my student loans, because frankly the interest rate on those is going to cost me more than I'd gain by investing it. I'm about to start a new job in a couple of months for a company that'll hopefully treat me better, at the cost of about 40% of my income. Meaning that any goals or aspirations I have are going to take even longer, if they'll ever come to fruition, which at this point, is pretty un-fucking-likely. I am so sick…

Seriously, what even is the point anymore? I worked a shit job for a garbage company that treated me like crap for years because I made good money, and have nothing to show for it. Right when I was ready to buy a house, I got priced out of the market. So now I'm going to take the vast majority of my life savings and throw it at my student loans, because frankly the interest rate on those is going to cost me more than I'd gain by investing it.

I'm about to start a new job in a couple of months for a company that'll hopefully treat me better, at the cost of about 40% of my income. Meaning that any goals or aspirations I have are going to take even longer, if they'll ever come to fruition, which at this point, is pretty un-fucking-likely. I am so sick and tired of being another cog in the machine where my only purpose is to work to make the billionaires more money, so I can take the pittance they pay me and hand it to the other billionaire who's charging me for survival.

Thanks for letting me rant.

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