
I have two stories for you guys form instances I’ve had at previous jobs, one is more of a vent while the other will have your head twisting 360• and vomiting everywhere

I worked at an adult toy shop, now I would have loved this job if it wasn’t for the targets we had to meet.. now. I don’t know about you but I cannot justify making someone buy a £150+ toy. Our targets were to have 5 people a day buying expensive toys and there were 6 other targets we had to meet for that day but I just couldn’t say “hey, this toy that does everything else the £30 does is the one you should go for”. I personally would never buy a toy for that much, for that expense, I would expect it to make me dinner after.. Second story, get ready for your head to start spinning.. I worked for a gambling place, I hated it. People would spend hundreds and I couldn’t say anything. This guy came in drunk and would put in £100 in each time,…

I worked at an adult toy shop, now I would have loved this job if it wasn’t for the targets we had to meet.. now. I don’t know about you but I cannot justify making someone buy a £150+ toy. Our targets were to have 5 people a day buying expensive toys and there were 6 other targets we had to meet for that day but I just couldn’t say “hey, this toy that does everything else the £30 does is the one you should go for”.

I personally would never buy a toy for that much, for that expense, I would expect it to make me dinner after..

Second story, get ready for your head to start spinning.. I worked for a gambling place, I hated it. People would spend hundreds and I couldn’t say anything. This guy came in drunk and would put in £100 in each time, within an hour he had spent £1,000 on a gaming machine and I don’t think he won any good amount. It broke me and I think about it a lot.. he came in the next day to ban himself because he’d spent his monthly earnings from work. I don’t know how you justify not saying anything to them.

I ended up getting fired, there was a worker who I was covering for while she was on leave who would come in sometimes and kept making up lies about me. Saying things I never said, accusing me of taking money.. which id never do, I mean there were cameras everywhere and I’m not a person who steals.

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