
I haven’t gotten a raise in almost 3 years because “of Covid” and my supervisor knows this. Today she complained that she didn’t have time to go shopping for the Caribbean cruise she was taking next month.

I even told her last week that my niece was born this month but my sister and her family live out of state and I couldn’t afford to travel to see them. I haven’t seen my nieces and nephew in over a year because of this. Then in our meeting today she goes on and on about what she’s going to wear on her cruise. The worst part is, I don’t think she meant it maliciously. People who have any disposable income forget what it’s like to have to count every penny. This isn’t a luxury issue for them so they don’t look it at as complaining. Another gripe I have with her is she gets lunch delivered almost every day, and sometimes chats me to ask if I want anything. The first time I said yes and requested something small, stupidly thinking she would cover it. But she Venmo…

I even told her last week that my niece was born this month but my sister and her family live out of state and I couldn’t afford to travel to see them. I haven’t seen my nieces and nephew in over a year because of this. Then in our meeting today she goes on and on about what she’s going to wear on her cruise. The worst part is, I don’t think she meant it maliciously. People who have any disposable income forget what it’s like to have to count every penny. This isn’t a luxury issue for them so they don’t look it at as complaining.

Another gripe I have with her is she gets lunch delivered almost every day, and sometimes chats me to ask if I want anything. The first time I said yes and requested something small, stupidly thinking she would cover it. But she Venmo requested me $12 later that day. I know $12 is nothing to her, but a lot to me, and I didn’t get to eat dinner that day because I had planned on going to the store after but didn’t have the funds. Anyway, she is an overall nice person which makes it hard to complain, and everyone deserves a vacation. But I work hard too. Why don’t we all get to have nice things?! I would appreciate it so much.

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